Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Eight Things

Eight Things I Have A Passion For:
  1. Patrick
  2. Animals
  3. Life
  4. Movies
  5. Dog shows
  6. Art
  7. Foreign food
  8. Music

Eight Things I Would Like To Do Before I Die:

  1. See the Eiffel Tower
  2. Meet Paul McCartney
  3. Swim with dolphins
  4. Go on an African safari
  5. Buy a house with land
  6. Have my own horses
  7. Win Best in Show at Westminster
  8. Have kids

Eight Things I Say A Lot:

  1. "You've got to be kidding me"
  2. "Seriously"
  3. "I'm going night-night"
  4. "Rub-A-Dub Doggy this is Stephanie"
  5. "I'm hungry"
  6. "Where are my keys?"
  7. "That works"
  8. "Danke"

Eight Books I Have Read Recently:

  1. Pride and Prejudice
  2. Twilight
  3. New Moon
  4. Eclipse
  5. Breaking Dawn
  6. Book Of Mormon
  7. Be the Pack Leader
  8. The Pact

Eight Movies I Have Seen Eight Times:

  1. 10 Things I Hate About You
  2. Pride and Prejudice
  3. Beauty and the Beast
  4. You've Got Mail
  5. The Lion King
  6. Return To Me
  7. French Kiss
  8. A Christmas Story (every year!)

Eight Bloggers I’ll Tag (or just 6)

  1. Jennifer
  2. Marci
  3. Mary Beth
  4. Nikki
  5. Jessica
  6. Jackie

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